Bruce Hahn, MAI, SRA, ASA is sitting in for me with this week’s post, “Data Science Makes Appraisal Fun Again”. Bruce is the owner of Landmark Valuation and a past president of the Northern California Chapter of the Appraisal Institute. Find him on Linkedin or at Thank you, Bruce!

2018 marks the start of my 30th year as a real estate appraiser. Yes, much has changed during that time – particularly with respect to comparable data. Three decades ago most data sources were still printed on paper (quarterly MLS sales books) or on microfiche. It was time consuming (and not really fun) to research and find a handful of sales. I remember having to use sales that might not necessarily have been that comparable, but they were nonetheless a sale I was happy to locate after considerable research!

Fast forward to today where you can download the entire market of sales from MLS into a single spreadsheet in a matter of minutes. Several years worth for an entire county that can include tens of thousands of sales! Yet not much has changed about appraisal methodology in the last three decades. Today the comparable data is readily searched, parsed, and available for analysis. But we continue to apply the same old “give ‘em three to five comps and trust me” because these are the “best and most comparable!” This begs more questions than it provides answers when anyone can use readily available free data gleaned from the internet to come up with dozens of comparable sales for any residential property. What about the two dozen or more other properties that might be in the Competitive Market Segment© that are not used in the appraisal?

I have to thank George Dell, MAI, SRA, ASA, for his outstanding and thought provoking ideas regarding the use of Data Science techniques with his Evidence Based Valuation© methodology. This has given me the tools to clearly identify the Competitive Market Segment© which positions all relevant sales for the subject property. The analysis tool with R statistical programming language allows the use of all identified sales within the Competitive Market Segment© to predict value conclusions and adjustments. All relevant sales are utilized and incorporated in the valuation. There are no questions about the other sales you did not use!

Evidence Based Valuation© takes a little work to set up and learn, but it is a reproducible product that makes appraisal fun again! The use of Data Science makes the valuation tasks easier, quicker, and more accurate! It makes full use of our valuation skills and knowledge and builds on top of the real estate valuation skills appraisers already possess. It makes you much more professional and provides a much more detailed and supported conclusion of market value. A more reliable valuation product!

Since “drinking from the firehose” of new information in Stats, Graphs and Data Science1 two years ago, I have reflected considerably on the appraisal profession. I have come to two major conclusions. First, the appraisal profession needs to make some major changes to continue to be relevant. Secondly, the growth of data availability and incorporation of Data Science into valuation practice will only increase the need for highly skilled real estate asset analysts that are up for the task!  Thank you George! I’m having more fun as a real estate appraiser than I’ve ever had in the last three decades! And I’m delivering a higher quality valuation product to clients who are appreciative of the increased professionalism and detail in my work!