Resolve to succeed at resolutions. There is a way.
Some people seem to easily go about improving their income, their life, their close relationships, and sense of contributing to the world. How do they do this? Here is what seems to work for me.
First and most important – Decide: Is this just another New Year’s resolution joke? Am I setting up my excuse to fail? Or do I really want to set up a better life for myself and those near me?
So, here is my list:
- Don’t make it a joke. New Year’s resolutions have an aura of ha ha! Don’t fall for it. With repeated failures in our past, for our subconscious, the first need is to protect the ego. Easy – make it a joke and it is safe.
- Focus on excellence, not perfection. If working toward a designation or degree, focus on the steps, the classes, and whatever you already do every day. Baby steps.
- Believe in yourself, but focus on others. Much of what you do is for others. Whether for money or for love. Serve their needs ethically. That is what you are paid for. Help others along the way, and the process itself empowers you to control yourself.
- Do not underestimate yourself. What you do requires great knowledge and skills. We tend to underestimate our own ability, and overestimate what others may know.
- Recheck the goal. Is it something in your heart, or a belief someone gave you? Some of us can go an entire lifetime without challenging our beliefs and assumptions. This can serve a strong purpose, but can also get in the way of needed change. Your belief system will be either reinforced, or improved by your current ethical goals.
- Put it in writing. When I do something ‘in my head’ it may seem really cool. But it can be fleeting as a dream. A dream becomes real when it speaks back to us from a piece of paper or computer monitor. Writing involves motor function, and the eyes, and it connects thoughts, the feelings, and action. Take action to bring action.
Some goals are best kept inside. Some goals can lose power when shared with those who may not give their energy. Goals can lose power if they leave the internal furnace of design. Other goals can gain energy and create inner strength when shared with others. Choose carefully where and when you expose your resolve.
So how do I make changes, without triggering the self-doubt, the fear, and even the judgment of others? Easy.
Don’t joke, take baby steps, believe in your worth, challenge your goal, and put it in writing. These things have worked for me. If even just one person here is empowered in some way, it’s worth it. Then share your gain, your joy. Join and help build a community through service.
Givers gain, takers lose.
December 31, 2019 @ 7:15 am
Lots of great wisdom, which transcends the good stuff that is normally discussed here. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, as always.
December 31, 2019 @ 8:33 am
Wow , great piece! It’s all there in a nut shell. Thanks George! & a Happy New Year to ya!
January 1, 2020 @ 7:57 am
Excellent thoughts. This seems like a way to live year in and year out, not just for the beginning of the year. You can resolve to do better any time. And a great time to make a resolution is when you find something that could stand to be improved upon. Thank you for putting into a concise perspective. Happy New Year!