Patriotism.  Easy, everyone knows what that is!

It’s Independence Day!  It’s fireworks!  It is a time to declare our devotion, love and support for the country.  But devotion, support, and love are “feelings” not facts.

And do we relate this sense of feeling to our personal actions? Our “support”? Can these feelings run deeper?  Does the feeling of devotion go further?  Does it go to our responsibility as an appraiser, an agent, administrator, or regulator?  Does it extend to how we treat those around us; even to those who think their patriotism is better than our patriotism?

Do these feelings translate into actual good behavior?  Or do we just make a show of it?

Personal action includes our roles as responsible citizens to community, to family, and service to the nation through our profession.

Devotion, support, love.

And how about love as a part of patriotism?  Everyone knows what love is!

Love is defined as a “profound emotion of intimacy, passion and commitment.”  If our love goes to the whole of our country and our culture, it is true – and not selective. It is holistic, not tribal, political or self-serving.

And what is the opposite of love?  Is it hate?  Is it hate of disagreeable others?  Hate of a different kind of “patriot”? If there is hate of another member of our nation, is that patriotism?  Does it help me feel more righteous and patriotic if I can label the other a jerk, stupid, or biased?  Resort to “ad hominem” — You don’t have actual facts or logic, so attack the person, or someone else!  Deflect from your own ignorance.  Attack.  Promise “change”.  But don’t provide a solution.  No need.

Put motives, and false intentions on the opposition, then attack those motives.  The “red herring” method of debate.

And how about support?

Support is to hold up, or give assistance to the cause, to the country.  Start with your patriotic beliefs and find a way to support them.  Support your believable opinion somehow.

What is needed is support for the love and the inclusion of all.  Not leaving out parts.  Not being indifferent.  True patriotic love requires support for the principles, the values, the system of inclusion and liberty and the rights of speech, of religion, to assemble, and of due process.

Patriotism is not anger or indifference.  It is attention to the real issues with personal integrity. It’s selflessness. It’s service.  It is love.