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Paired Sales Time? pt 18

Paired sales is the fourth of five “acceptable” methods for time adjustments, according to the Fannie Mae selling guide. Once again, the method is neither defined nor explained. Editor’s Note: Read the entire series (so far) here. A look at USPAP shows no reference to grouped or “paired sales” as a way to support an opinion […]
Modeling the Time? Pt 17

In this part, we look at modeling, the third “acceptable method.” What kind of a method is “modeling”? That’s pretty broad. Editor’s Note: Read the entire series (so far) here. A common definition of “model” is “a small representation of something.” More formally, it’s “an abstract/logical depiction to improve understanding of prediction.” The Fannie Mae GSE […]
Statistical Time? Pt 16

Statistical is the second “method” mentioned in the Fannie Mae Guideline for time adjustments. Editor’s Note: Read the entire series (so far) here. What does that mean? Is it an actual “acceptable” method? It says so. It must be! Let’s look. The Fannie Mae Guidelines do not explain the word, nor the process. We must look […]
Acceptable Time? Pt 15

We continue to explore what is acceptable to Fannie Mae for “time” adjustment. We have reviewed each of the four ‘FHFA’ time adjustment strategies. We now consider each of the five “acceptable” methods per the current Fannie Mae Selling Guide. Editor’s Note: Access the entire series (so far) here. (We will conclude this series with […]
CAA 2025 Conference Recap

Reflections: The CAA Conference The Community of Asset Analysts had its Fourth Annual Conference in Las Vegas February 18-19. It was fun. It was smart. It was spirit. All topics, presenters, and attendees promote a great future for the valuation profession. Topics included some forward-looking movement: The continued use of modern-day software, visualization, and emphasis […]
Unacceptable Time? Pt 14

We have reviewed the four time adjustment “strategies,” as noted in the FHFA Working Paper 24-07. Editor’s Note: Read the entire series (so far) here. We now shift over to the response of Fannie Mae, and requirements per their Selling Guide effective February and March of 2025. Briefly, the words are simple. “Acceptable” methods include: […]
Time Out? pt 13

Market conditions, time adjustments. The fourth “strategy” noted in the FHFA Working Paper 24-07, we call the “Time Out” strategy. Editor’s Note: Read the entire series HERE. Simply put, the appraiser avoids the issue cleanly, by just ignoring the ‘box’ where the time adjustment should go. Easy. The FHFA report states: “The most common method […]
Adjust for Time Again?

In this post, Adjust for Time, Part 12, (read the whole series here) the FHFA Working Paper 24-07 infers a third “common strategy” for time adjustments. We will call this the plot–regress method. In this strategy “MLS data on individual sales can be retrieved, and the appraiser can regress sales price on a time trend […]
Adjust for Time?

We now consider the second “time adjustments” method noted in the FHFA paper (24-07). It, too, is noted as being “commonly” used in appraisals. The first method we reviewed was “paired sales”. Now we look at the second method, called “grouped data.” This “related technique, grouped data analysis, involves grouping data by an independent variable […]
What Time is It? pt 10
Time adjustments are now required by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Time adjustments were previously required “when necessary.” Now a “market conditions” adjustment is required on every appraisal. This means that even if personal judgment says the subject market is “stable,” an analysis must be performed to arrive at the zero adjustment conclusion. An FHFA (Federal Housing Finance […]
What Time is It? Part 9
It is clear: market analysis and time adjustments are more important than ever, and the appraisal and review requirements are critical to responsible valuation, compliance, and risk management. Time adjustments and market analysis was the topic presented in our TYN2K Webinar January 15, 2025. Fannie Mae’s Lyle Radke was our presenter, followed by a two-hour […]
What Time Is It Pt 8
Time “adjustment” is not really about time (or so they say). It’s about changed market conditions since the time of the comparable sale. This wording works fine for legacy appraisal practices. The modern, data-centric, data science approach is clear that the market conditions are measured at points in time (or a continuum of time). Thus, […]
What Time Is It? Pt 8
Is time an adjustment? What is “acceptable” appraisal practice? The new GSE (FannieMae, FreddieMac) guidelines still require adjustments for market conditions. This is part 8 of our series on GSE Guidelines. Read the series here. Market conditions are different at different points in time. Duh! Time adjustments have always been required. Seldom enforced. Seldom done. […]
Re-Solve the Resolution?
My New Year’s resolution may work, or it may not. How do I create a high probability I will be successful? There is a science to this. There are issues of personal psychology. And there are some spiritual principles that work. Finally, physical action directly causes results. And how about willpower? How do I resolve […]
Is Ethics a Spiritual Principle?
Ethics is a discipline about what is morally good or right. In this time of much religious celebration, we note that most religions are based on specific spiritual principles. These are behaviors that most recognize as being healthy for the individual and for society. Ethics easily touches other areas of study, including anthropology, biology, economics, […]